Using ODI variables to generate Unique URL of a data server during package run time
Hi Guru,
When using variables in the JDBC url the following method is recommended
The data server connection is established at the beginning of the session execution
for example a package
This requires that the variables used in an url and physical schema must be resolved in a different session so that session can use it values.
At the beginning of the session execution, ODI will retrieve the variable's values stored in snp_var_data which from the variable is last refreshed .
This could be from when the package ran last time.
That's why it feels like its always loading previous server data.
Therefore the following is the good method to do this
1. create a child package with the following steps"
step 1 : declare v_loop variable
step 2: declare v_src_physical schema
step 3: declare v_dataserver
step 4: declare v_tar_physical_schema
step 5: i_interface
step 6: declare v_check
Generate a scenario for the above package , this scenario is called in the next package a a child package
2. Create another package with the following steps
step 1 : set v_loop variable
step 2: refresh v_src_physical schema
step 3: refresh v_dataserver
step 4: refresh v_tar_physical schema
step 5: Execution of above child scenaria
step 6: refresch v_check
step 7: evaluate v_check
step 8: set v_loop
step 9: back to refresh v_src_physical schema step
Thanks guru
Ram kumar lanke
When using variables in the JDBC url the following method is recommended
The data server connection is established at the beginning of the session execution
for example a package
This requires that the variables used in an url and physical schema must be resolved in a different session so that session can use it values.
At the beginning of the session execution, ODI will retrieve the variable's values stored in snp_var_data which from the variable is last refreshed .
This could be from when the package ran last time.
That's why it feels like its always loading previous server data.
Therefore the following is the good method to do this
1. create a child package with the following steps"
step 1 : declare v_loop variable
step 2: declare v_src_physical schema
step 3: declare v_dataserver
step 4: declare v_tar_physical_schema
step 5: i_interface
step 6: declare v_check
Generate a scenario for the above package , this scenario is called in the next package a a child package
2. Create another package with the following steps
step 1 : set v_loop variable
step 2: refresh v_src_physical schema
step 3: refresh v_dataserver
step 4: refresh v_tar_physical schema
step 5: Execution of above child scenaria
step 6: refresch v_check
step 7: evaluate v_check
step 8: set v_loop
step 9: back to refresh v_src_physical schema step
Thanks guru
Ram kumar lanke
MONDAY, 9 MAY 2011
Hide unused technologies
Hi Guru's,
In the topology navigator if you observe there will be many technologies which we generally not use for our development.

So if you want to hide the unused technologies here is the way.
Go to the topology navigator.
On the top right side you can observe connect navigator.
click on it.
click on hide unused technologies.
This is illustrated in the figure below.
Thanks Guru's
Ram Kumar Lanke
In the topology navigator if you observe there will be many technologies which we generally not use for our development.
So if you want to hide the unused technologies here is the way.
Go to the topology navigator.
On the top right side you can observe connect navigator.
click on it.
click on hide unused technologies.
This is illustrated in the figure below.
Thanks Guru's
Ram Kumar Lanke
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