Tuesday, 11 October 2011


ODI variables and java.lang.exception : unresolved ODI errors

Hi Guru,

Some times we may encounter the error message

java.lang.exception: Unresolved variable

Then you have to enclose the ODI substitution variable instruction with quotes.

For example,


And also you should not use bind variables in certain SQL statements like 

Creation of views in oracle

Thanks Guru
Ram kumar Lanke

String index out of range-ODI parsing Rules

Hi Guru, 

Some times we we will get an error message when we execute the following
1. an ODI procedure or
2. knowledge module command or 
4. ODI tool
5. ODI OS command

The error message is following:

java.lang.StringIndexOutOfBoundsException: String index out of range: -1
at java.lang.String.substring(Unknown Source) 

Because the ODI parser is unable to parse the command we will face this problem.

The parser is unable to detect the variable and the bind type in the code

For example,

#Variable and :Variable

Therefore when using any of the following it is necessary to keep in mind the parsing of elements:

1. an ODI procedure or
2. knowledge module command or 
4. ODI tool
5. ODI OS command

The ODI parsing rules are 

1. use the follwoing style of comment

---/* your comment line here */--

2. The quotes open on the line must be closed on the same line

Thanks Guru

Ram kumar Lanke

An object will be in an un identified state

Hi Guru,

We may encounter some times the following error message which is randomly displayed


" An object will be in an un identified state "

Because it is in the state not found in the database and update is currently being performed on it 

For example, when refreshing an ODI variable, running a scenario...

Such a problem has been attributed to the odi log related table spaces being full.


Increase the size of the appropriate tablespaces containing the odi work repositories.

Purge the log tables in ODI operator log 

Thanks Guru
Ram kumar Lanke


Tips for preventing errors while developing interfaces

Common errors while developing interfaces

Hi Guru's,

Let us know the common errors we get after executing the interfaces

  1. Syntax error in mapping :Errors like
2. Incorrect execution location for mapping: Errors Like
  • Incorrect execution location for join condition
  • Incorrect execution location for filter condition
  • A valid clause cannot be executed
  • A clause located at the wrong location (source/target)
3. Incorrect execution context or incoorect agent chosen: Erros like
  • Data servers unreachable
  • Tables/files/resources does not exist
  • Table not found
4. Incorrect knowledge module chosen: Errors like 
  • Irrelevant results
Note: java exceptions are not always ODI errors. In many cases , the error actually comes from a database server. It may be as simple as a violation of an integrity constarint, caused by duplicate errors.

Thanks Guru's
Ram Kumar Lanke 

FRIDAY, 6 MAY 2011

Fixing the errors by trouble shooting a session

Hi Guru's,

Today i am going to discuss about how to troubleshoot the sessions and fixing errors in ODI.

It is obvious that while we develop our ODI objects we may get errors.

I am going to give you some general steps to debug errors.

    Thanks Guru's
    Ram Kumar Lanke


    Subha said...

    When I execute an interface in ODI 11g, the execution hangs with Load Data task showing a Run state. The source is an hsql table which comes along with ODI installation and the target is oracle table. I did not get a similar error when I used ODI 10g. PLEASE HELP ME TO SOLVE THIS ERROR SINCE I HAVE A CRITICAL SITUATION.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Ramu said...

    I am using yellow interface as source in other interface to enable it as table, “USE TEMPORARY AS DERIVED TABLE(Sub-select)” is grayed out…. my source and target are in different data servers is this the problem? if how can i achieve this..
    Please help

    Ramu said...

    I am using yellow interface as source in other interface to enable it as table, “USE TEMPORARY AS DERIVED TABLE(Sub-select)” is grayed out…. my source and target are in different data servers is this the problem? if how can i achieve this..
    Please help

    Unknown said...

    ODI-1228: Task KRI_SCD (Integration) fails on the target ORACLE connection KRISH_ORCL.
    Caused By: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00920: invalid relational operator

    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:462)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(T4CTTIoer.java:405)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.processError(T4C8Oall.java:931)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.receive(T4CTTIfun.java:481)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIfun.doRPC(T4CTTIfun.java:205)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4C8Oall.doOALL(T4C8Oall.java:548)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.doOall8(T4CPreparedStatement.java:217)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CPreparedStatement.executeForRows(T4CPreparedStatement.java:1115)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(OracleStatement.java:1488)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeInternal(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3769)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(OraclePreparedStatement.java:3954)
    at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.execute(OraclePreparedStatementWrapper.java:1539)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLCommand.execute(SQLCommand.java:163)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLExecutor.execute(SQLExecutor.java:102)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.sql.SQLExecutor.execute(SQLExecutor.java:1)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.execution.TaskExecutionHandler.handleTask(TaskExecutionHandler.java:50)
    at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.processTask(SnpSessTaskSql.java:2913)
    at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessTaskSql.treatTask(SnpSessTaskSql.java:2625)
    at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatAttachedTasks(SnpSessStep.java:577)
    at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSessStep.treatSessStep(SnpSessStep.java:468)
    at com.sunopsis.dwg.dbobj.SnpSession.treatSession(SnpSession.java:2128)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor$2.doAction(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:366)
    at oracle.odi.core.persistence.dwgobject.DwgObjectTemplate.execute(DwgObjectTemplate.java:216)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.doProcessStartSessTask(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:300)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor.access$0(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:292)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.impl.StartSessRequestProcessor$StartSessTask.doExecute(StartSessRequestProcessor.java:855)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.processor.task.AgentTask.execute(AgentTask.java:126)
    at oracle.odi.runtime.agent.support.DefaultAgentTaskExecutor$2.run(DefaultAgentTaskExecutor.java:82)
    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

    Unknown said...

    Hi I am krishna Learning of odi 11g

    Please Help me,

    How can i solve this error in scd


    Dinesh Kumar M said...

    This is useful information. Please find more information at <a href="http://techhelpinghand.blogspot.in/search/label/ODI?&max-results=100</a>

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