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Sunday, 6 November 2011

Router Transformation using Oracle data integrator


Thursday, 13 October 2011

Creating the Master Repository using ODI 11G studio

Creating the Master Repository using ODI 11G studio Creating the master repository creates an empty repository structure and seeds metadata (for example, technology definitions, or built-in security profiles) into this repository structure. Step1: First you need to create schema for Master Repository Open the sql developer And create new schema with the name MasterRepo Grant the required permissions  Step2: Start the ODI Studio  Step3: To create the master repository: Open the New Gallery by choosing File > New. In the New Gallery, in the Categories tree, select ODI.  step4: Select from the Items list the Master Repository Creation Wizard. Click OK. The Master Repository Creation wizard opens.  step...

Creating the Master Repository using ODI 11G studio

Creating the master repository creates an empty repository structure and seeds metadata (for example, technology definitions, or built-in security profiles) into this repository structure. Step1: First you need to create schema for Master Repository Open the sql developer And create new schema with the name MasterRepo Grant the required permissions  Step2: Start the ODI Studio  Step3: To create the master repository: Open the New Gallery by choosing File > New. In the New Gallery, in the Categories tree, select ODI.  step4: Select from the Items list the Master Repository Creation Wizard. Click OK. The Master Repository Creation wizard opens.  step 5: Specify the Database Connection parameters as...

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

ODI Variables

Increment Date type variable in ODIHi Guru, It is possible to increment the Date type variable in ODI. In the refreshing tab of the variable add the appropriate SQL statements for example Oracle: select SYSDATE+1 from dual Thanks Guru Ram kumar LankePosted by RAM KUMAR LANKE at Saturday, May 21, 2011 0 comments   Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to FacebookLabels: ODI VariablesRetrieve the name of cuurent ODI user using ODI variableHi Guru, It is possible to Retrieve the name of cuurent ODI user using ODI variable. Define a variable with the following sql statement in the refreshing tab select USER_NAME from SNP_SESSION where SES_NO=<%odiRef.getSession()%> Thanks Guru Ram...

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